Refund and Returns Policy

Refund and Returns Policy

All sales are final and nonrefundable on purchases of downloadable content.

Please notify us if you have any problems with your download(s) or damage/defects with physical products.

Please contact us within 14 days of receiving your product to request a replacement for damaged/defective products.

Please contact us with any other questions regarding your order.

Refunds: Any approved refunds will be processed within 7 days.

Digital product orders are processed immediately after payment completion (you will receive an email with your download links). For physical products, your order will be shipped to the address you provided during checkout. All physical book orders are printed via a print-on-demand service and require extra time for processing and printing. Expect to receive physical book orders within 2 to 3 weeks. At certain busy times of the year it can take up to ~4+ weeks.

Thank you!